People ARE Policy

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Ann Coulter recently came out saying she’d support Bernie Sanders For President 2020 if he was strong on immigration.

Here’s my take:

First, let’s be clear: opposing open borders is a position of love.

First and foremost a love of the American Ideal which represents a unique and supreme recognition of both individual sovereignty as well as the sanctity of free dialogue between them. On a metaphysical as well as experiential level these values have manifested the biblical idea of logos into the civilization we know and love today. 

For more on logos and the relationship between the human pursuit of truth and language, see this excellent uncut interview between Dr. Jordan Peterson and Filmmaker Mike Cernovich.

But I digress, back to the topic at hand…

The last 50MM migrants to US overwhelmingly support a collective ideology rooted in pathos, elevating a more emotionally centric group identity over that of the individual.

A pictorial (below) and practical example of this divide is in the differential between migrant and native welfare usage.

The problem is that collective, pathos-centric belief systems pose an existential threat to human existence, as countless historical examples have repeatedly and without exception resulted in escalating power struggles, censorship, violence, totalitarian regimes and mass murder.

We see examples of these same dominos falling around us every day as any comments section will confirm within a moments scrolling.

What I understand – largely due to the influence of great thinkers like Ms. Coulter and others – is that People ARE Policy and, therefore, demographics trump politics.

Simply put, there is no America, no freedom, no future if we won’t protect our borders.

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